Wild Life

Over the last couple of months it has been a delight to watch the deer that frequent our property. For awhile, in early June, it was just an adult female deer. But about mid month two fawns appeared with her and have been seen regularly. It’s such a treat, early in the morning as I head to morning meditation, to see the two fawns scampering about on the grassy area beside the main temple building. Young animals seem to all be like this. The energy of youth, along with a lack of experience leads to rambunctious spurts of play and goofing off.

In the four weeks since they were born it has been amazing to see how much the fawns have grown. Hopefully I’ll have a camera at the ready next time I see them. I also wish I had a camera a week ago when a fox ran by the big window in our common room. We’ve had a fox family living on our property for years now. One often hears their strange types of ‘barking’ at night. So far I haven’t seen their new pups for this year – hopefully some day. Rev. Hugh July 14, 2021

